Hort Sci Prac
David Wm. Reed - Instructor
Horticulture Forest Science Bldg. room 408
Office:  Home: 690-0401 Cell 777-2750
e-mail: dwreed@tamu.edu
Course web site: hort201.tamu.edu

Schedule for the rest of the semester

Exam 4

Exam 4: Thursday, April 25, ILCB 111, 11:10 AM

Final Exam
Q&A: Wednesday, May 1, 6:30 PM, HFSB 102
Final Exam: Thurday, May 2, ILCB 111, 3:00 PM

Last Lecture
You really need to view the video tape of the end of the last lecture.
I go over in detail 5-6 questions that are surprisingly similar
to the "actual" Exam 4 questions.

Classic Video of 45 Years of Teaching

Instructions for Exams

Face-to-Face Exams in ILCB 111 taken on Canvas using your own computer, laptop, notebook or pad.

  • Exams are taken in the ILCB 111 classroom at 11:10-12:25.
  • Do not be late.  When students start to leave, no one can start their exam.
  • You take the exam on your personal computer or laptop logged into TAMU WiFi; not cell phone.
  • To avoid computer issues, "shut-down" and "restart" your computer just before the exam; charge battery.
  • Login to Canvas by 11:10.  All other programs must be closed on your computer.
    If you leave the Canvas screen and go to another screen during the exam, Canvas will time stamp when you left and returned.  Your exam may be invalidated and you may be  turned into the Honors Council.
  • The Exam will start at 11:10 AM and close at 12:25 PM.
    If you go beyond 12:25, the last questions you answered at 12:25 will be time stamped late.
    If you are scheduled for extended time, that time will be programmed into Canvas; but cannot go beyond 12:35.
  • Exam grade are posted immediately. Correct answers will be released after makeup exams are completed.
  • If you have any technical problems (WiFi, Canvas closes, computer fails, etc.), see me immediately.  If you are taking the exam remotely immediately call my cell 979-777-2750.
  •   DO NOT use GroupMe are any other social media interaction to discuss the exam or answers during the exam time of 11:10-12:25, regardless of your location!  Violators will be brought before the Honors Council.

Remote Zoom Exams


Meeting ID: 965 940 0231

When can you arrange with the instructor to take the exam remotely through Zoom?

  • Exams missed due to University acceptable excuses as per student rules.
  • If  you cannot come to class face-to-face due to quarantine, official university travel such as field trip, athletic event, job interview, internship, emergency departure, or with Disability Resources.   For any pre-planned event the exam must be taken before departure or proctored on the road.


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The General Horticulture Home Page was created and is maintained by David Wm. Reed.  Any comments or suggestions should be e-mailed to D.W. Reed at e-mail: dwreed@tamu.edu.  If you use any of the instructional material, please give credit to the source. Copyrightà D.W. Reed, TAMU