Practice Exams for
HORT 201
Below are two versions of Practice
Exams for HORT 201.
Standard Version with Key
- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader
to view the Standard Printable Version.
- If you do not have Adobe Acrobat
Reader on your computer, you may download a free
copy by clicking on this image� .
- A key is attached as the last
Interactive Version, Auto-Graded
- This is an on-line practice exam
that is graded as you take it.
the Practice Exam only after you feel you are
reasonably prepared for the exam.� If done
properly, the practice exam should give you a good
indication of how prepared you are for the "real
exam". |
The links to the
Practice Exams
will be activated
in the early evening
on the day before the exam.
can tell when the link is activated because it will
be underlined in